Monday, March 16, 2009

Attempt number two at blogging...

I don't appear to be able to get into this whole blogging thing. I feel overly self-interested as soon as I start to assume that people care about the ridiculous things I do with my life. I even feel stupid writing a diary as though some day it'll be dug up, read and ultimately make people sick from all the gratuitous references to the wonderful people and places I've been and seen and done. Admittedly, I'm far more interesting than a whole bunch of people, but I'm sure they know that, so why force the point?

I was meant to start this six months ago. Where did six months go? Six and a half months ago I took a one way flight from Perth to Singapore to Bangkok to Doha to Tripoli to Casablanca and eventually ended up in Budapest. And now after six hard months of partying I've decided to chase a girl to Chile and do it all over again there. Different place, ultimately the same reasons. I can't go back home now, I'll still be looking for something. At least this way I'm distracted until I work out what that is. And what to do with it.

So for now I might put some thoughts up here in an attempt to be more connected with everyone I love or at least mildly respect around the world, and additionally to soothe my fears that I now longer know how to string a sentence together, having been out of formal education spheres for a few years now... So good luck to me!