Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I bought a coffee/doughnut special the other day whilst prepping one of my classes. I received a receipt for the purchase. Which brought me to wonder in what situation I would require said receipt for my 990 peso (2 buck) purchase. I charged my Bip! card (read transportation swipe card) with a meagre 1000 pesos to get me home, and hey presto, another printed receipt. There's never even a question of not handing it over, or asking if I want even it.

Anyways, I found another reference to the plethora of paperwork and interminable beauracracy that reminds me oh so much of my time in Hungary (yes I am in the process of applying for a visa... what fun!) in this blog: ) He quotes Mitch Hedberg who even refers specifically to the doughnut situation.

In other news, Teddy Kennedy died today. In other other news, I have been away from home (Perth... I think?) for one year on the punto. Sorry, there's just some Spanglish I can't avoid. So when I have something more to write about this momentous (?) occasion, I will write. Maybe. Nos vemos...

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